
Showing posts from August, 2024

Livre du Destin (Book of Fate)

  This deck contains only 32 cards. 33 if you count the significator card. It should be a cakewalk, right? It isn't, at least not at first. It's one of those decks with a lot of people cards, so you need to work out their meanings for when they come up in a spread and are not people. The LWB isn't much help. No. 11 Jack of Spades/Man From the Country, for instance, is said to mean "deceit in business, rivalry, enemy." That doesn't work with the image. It's a better fit for the Vera Sibilla Enemy card, for instance  - that one looks over-the-top sinister! He's sneaking hurriedly by, looking back over his shoulder, and carrying a viper.  Here's the Livre du Destin card. He's doffed his hat, and he holds a bouquet. He looks like a nice guy. Sure, people can be two faced. But cards are a visual language. If he was up to no good, it would show. Some time ago, Benebell Wen posted Etteilla meanings for this deck. Those aren't correct either, but