
Livre du Destin (Book of Fate)

  This deck contains only 32 cards. 33 if you count the significator card. It should be a cakewalk, right? It isn't, at least not at first. It's one of those decks with a lot of people cards, so you need to work out their meanings for when they come up in a spread and are not people. The LWB isn't much help. No. 11 Jack of Spades/Man From the Country, for instance, is said to mean "deceit in business, rivalry, enemy." That doesn't work with the image. It's a better fit for the Vera Sibilla Enemy card, for instance  - that one looks over-the-top sinister! He's sneaking hurriedly by, looking back over his shoulder, and carrying a viper.  Here's the Livre du Destin card. He's doffed his hat, and he holds a bouquet. He looks like a nice guy. Sure, people can be two faced. But cards are a visual language. If he was up to no good, it would show. Some time ago, Benebell Wen posted Etteilla meanings for this deck. Those aren't correct either, but

Who Was Minetta?

  Minetta is a mystery. Unlike Sepharial, who we know was Walter Gorn Old and who has a wikipedia page and various other biographical information online, I can't even find her real name. This blog post from Mary Greer and the comments on it are interesting. There's been much speculation - was she Arthur Edward Waite? Cicely Kent? I don't believe she was either of those. Did she have a hand in the creation of the Tarot Fortune Cards ? Quite possibly. I first became interested in Minetta because Andy Boroveshengra often referred to her and thought highly of her reading skills. But he never found any solid information on Minetta herself, either. It wasn't for lack of trying! At this point, I'm convinced that it's easier to trace Frankie Albano! Since we have his legal name, we can find bits of information. We can't do that with someone we know only as "Minetta." And yes, her book is indispe

A new/(OLD) deck. Austin Osman Spare

Some of the images that join on the card edges. Excerpted from Lost Envoy . "The deck design is highly unusual for combining cartomancy and taromancy, and for the complex system of interconnecting visual motifs that link many of the cards across their borders." Unfortunately, yes. This was the way people read cards. It was pretty standard: Majors meanings, pip meanings, combined meanings. No pulling a Daily card (hoping you see That Guy) and calling it "spiritual." The Tarot, after all, is a deck of playing cards. And even Waite borrowed heavily from " A Book of Days ." Spare, at a glance, appears to be following PRS Foli's Fortune-telling by cards . Victorian cartomancy is vital to reading pip decks.So the Spare deck appeared not a moment too soon.) This deck was only rediscovered in 2013. It stayed hidden throughout the 20th century, and seemed to reappear when it was truly needed, almost like Tibetan terma. Some information on Spare: https://www.

Southern Gothic

    Today's mail was exceptionally good   Today I received The Southern Gothic Oracle and The HAUNTS Expansion Pack . I ordered at Etsy and it took all of three days to arrive - it was mailed the same day I ordered. It came from Tennessee. I've noticed that mail from southern states seems to arrive a lot faster than mail from other parts of the country. I call it the "Hillbilly Express" - they have a long history of fast driving. The moonshiners and bootleggers had to outrun the law. Appalachia is the birthplace of NASCAR . But before I talk about the deck, I want to talk about Southern Gothic itself, what it is, or at least my understanding of it. It's a veneer of gentility over brutality and evil, there's often a supernatural element or at least something people experience as supernatural, there might be decaying houses, family secrets, mental get the picture. You can feel it, especially if you get away from the city. It was strong in my home

Some Random Thoughts On Pendulums

" I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction this is, however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time. " - Albert Einstein For years, pendulums just told me what I wanted to hear. What finally solved that issue for me was getting a heavier one that I can't subconsciously "push." While I do have a couple of pendulum charts, I seldom if ever use them. A pendulum is a very simple, direct instrument and I find it best not to impose unnecessary complications. I like to keep it to answers like "yes," "no," "maybe," and "rephrase." I don't buy into new age/wellness schools of thought with "programming", Ascended Masters and their ilk, elaborate cleansings, or rituals. I just ask questions and wai

Dogs Behaving Badly: Stopping Fights & Attacks

  There's something I've used to break up dog fights, a guy told me about it in the 90's and it works. You really need two people though, if it's a fight between two dogs. If you just need to get a dog off of someone, you can do it yourself. You pick up their hind legs like a wheelbarrow and they'll let go - it's like magic. And spraying an attacking dog in the face with a fire extinguisher works if you have one handy. A school bus driver got a pair of pits off a lady and her small dog she was holding doing that. That's what he had, so that's what he used and it worked.     Everybody has pits these days and a lot of idiots let them run at large, so I have to be ready. I have Shelties. A couple of shakes and it would be over for them. I don't care what the pitmommies say about "pibble nannydog cuddlebugs" - they might be fine at home b

Dystopia & Wellness

  The image above might be a best case scenario. There's still wildlife, and the people don't look ravaged. If enough people wise up, maybe we can have that. Otherwise, things might look more like this: Something I saw at a forum set off this whole train of thought: "I've been reading longer than most of them have been alive." It was in response to an article somebody linked to. Another of those "tArOt dOeSn'T pReDiCt tHe fUtUrE iT's a tOoL fOr SeLf rEfLeCtIon! " dribble pieces. (NPR, you really should know better.) There's a lot of garbage like that going around. I posted about it here: And yes, that's one of the things that's maddening about these wellness readers. We had already been reading professionally for years when these little snotnoses were still shitting ye